Saturday, October 1, 2011

Getting ready for this trip is tough!!...but exciting...

I'm packing for a great adventure!  My laptop is waiting for me to clean it up for all of the photos soon to eat up all of its space and my wetsuit is 2 sizes to small.  Auto pay takes a decade to set up and credit cards versus debit cards in case of fraud...arghh!  When time runs out, it's out.  So what!  Let the adventure begin!

I have an incredible opportunity that has a lot of "what ifs" attached.  I am able to fly anywhere Delta flies until June 7, 2012 so I'm off to find the most appealing place that is C  H  E  A  P!  I feel that by moving from America for awhile, I'll be able to withstand the depression (why the hell do they keep insisting it's a recession?).  Back to the "what ifs" - Delta has cut back on flights and when there is one, it's packed,  Sooooo, that means my itinerary will be like throwing darts at a board (another blog title I almost used).

Plan is to leave Thursday morning, visit friend in Salt Lake and catch flight to Nuevo Vallarte for a cush 2 week chill-out at fancy timeshare I bought 5 years ago.  Mojito-induced purchase.  After that...who knows?

So back to packing, downloading, copying addresses, web sites, passwords, etc...... I love it.  :  )